Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Part 6 Section 143(4), that the Town of Stewiacke is inviting sealed tenders for the following property:
- AAN# 03196062, Assessed to Carol Anne Maclean, 2023 Residential Assessment $25,300, PID #20154381, 50 St. Andrews Street, Land only. Minimum Bid: $27,884.35, Redeemable
For a more detailed description of the property, please contact the Town of Stewiacke at 295 George Street, Stewiacke, NS, 902-639-2231.
Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to the undersigned and shall be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “PROPERTY TAX SALE BY TENDER”. Bidders shall complete the “Tender Form” for the property. The Tender form is available from the Town of Stewiacke by telephone 902-639-2231 or by email
Tenders will be accepted until 10:00 am on Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023.
Terms: Bidder must meet the minimum bid set per property; bid price includes HST (if applicable) and Certificate of Sale. It is the bidder’s responsibility to cover the preparation and costs associated with the Tax Deed. The accepted tender price must be paid within three full business days after being notified of acceptance. Failure to pay the accepted tender price within three full business days will result in the tender being awarded to the next highest bidder above the minimum bid. The Town of Stewiacke will accept cash, money order, debit, certified cheque or lawyer’s trust cheque.