Royal Canadian Legion Branch #70
- Details
Sometimes it seems as if local organizations are forgotten by the general public and not given enough recognition for the irreplaceable roles they play in our community. They seamlessly run in the background providing support to numerous causes and helping keep our people connected.
The Legion
The Legion is one of those places. We pass by it daily amidst our rush of everyday life and see “just another building”, but what happens behind those walls is a fundamental part of our neighbourhood – a sense of belonging.
“There is strength and power in numbers.”
The Legion's Founding
After the First World War, it was quite apparent that an organization would be ideal for returning soldiers. Founded in 1926, The Royal Canadian Legion assumed the role of providing support and services to returned soldiers and their families. 80-some years later, The Legion is still the cornerstone for our Veterans, active serving military and RCMP members. Within communities across Canada, The Legion promotes education & remembrance of military heritage to all ages alike. Services ranging from advocacy for Veterans to sports and contests for youth; Cadets, drop-in centres and emergency food and housing – the list of offerings is endless.
The Stewiacke Branch
The Stewiacke Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion was organized just before the end of World War II in 1945. Regular meetings were held at Union Hall until the opening of the present building on November 11, 1952. According to “The Town of Stewiacke Centennial Project 1967” the recorded charter members of the branch were: H.E. Joudry, L.G.Murphy, F.D. Mitton, A.H. Densmore, John Connors, Jack Niel, C.G. Leck, T.J. Matthews, Chester Gourley, Rev. H.E. Campbell, John Ferris, Russell Stewart, R.W. Walker and Rex Flemming.
Learn more about the Royal Canadian Legion and how to become a member.
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 70 is located at 299 George Street.
Senior's Card Party
Senior's Card Party takes place Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to Noon. Light lunch provided. $3.00 sponsored by Seniors Club. All are welcome.
Tuesday Nights Weekly Pool
Tuesday Nights Weekly Pool: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Members & Guests Welcome.
Book the Legion
To Book the Legion please email Stewiacke Legion <