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Town Hall - 295 George Street, Stewiacke NS, B0N 2J0 | (902) 639-2231

Update for Residents of Riverside Avenue

Residential Curbside Collection of Garbage and Recycling


Residents are to have their Green Cart and Garbage Bags or Recycle Bags, depending on the collection week, at the curbside before 7:00 am.  To ensure your items are picked up, please do not place items on the curbside after 7:00am; as this may result in your items not being picked up.  On regular garbage collection weeks, you are allowed to have six (6) clear bags or five (5) clear bags and one (1) black bag and two (2) bulky items as well. On recycling days, you are allowed up to twelve (12) blue bags.  If the garbage truck will not have access to your curbside, Dexter’s Construction will be moving the items to a designated area for the garbage truck to pick up the items. Thank you.